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Il Gruppo UMI di “Teoria dell’ Approssimazione e Applicazioni” ha iniziato la sua attività con l’Assemblea Organizzativa che si è tenuta in modalità telematica lunedì 19 Ottobre 2020 alle ore 18:00. 
Tra le attività previste, si intende organizzare seminari di formazione, di divulgazione per il personale accademico e per il personale aziendale coinvolto nelle ricerche, oltre a scuole di dottorato/post-doc e tutorials su temi emergenti dove è necessario disporre di tecniche avanzate di approssimazione.
Dopo oltre 2 anni di attività, il gruppo UMI - T.A.A. ha organizzato il convegno "International Conference on Approximation Theory and Applications", che si è tenuto a Cetraro (CS) dal 18 al 22 Giugno 2023.

Prossime attività

DWCAA aims to provide a forum for researchers to present and discuss ideas, theories, and applications of constructive approximation. The conference is dedicated to Len Bos in the occasion of his retirement.
For more information visit the page

L'Unione Matematica Italiana organizza un ciclo di Incontri Scientifici per il biennio 2022-2024 in occasione del centenario UMI.
Il calendario degli eventi e tutte le informazioni si trovano alla pagina

Attività svolte

Il GL organizza la Prima Giornata di Lavoro al fine di presentare le tematiche di ricerca portate avanti all'interno del gruppo.
L'evento si terrà online su piattaforma Zoom.
Per informazioni si veda la pagina Giornata di lavoro

The seminars promote the interchange among researchers working in the domain of numerical approximation and its applications, limited by the COVID-19 pandemic. Since participation in traditional conferences is difficult, the primary goal of these webinars is to share novel and attractive ideas via web suggested both by experienced and by early-career researchers. As second aim, the colloquia intend to bridge the gap between theoretical aspects of approximation theory and its applications.
OSNA2 will start on April 9, 2021, with the following schedule:
April 9, 12, 20 and 28 at 5.30 p.m. (GMT+2)
For more information visit the website:

The workshop has the aim to present recent results obtained within the Research Project GNAMPA 2020 "Analisi Reale, Teoria della Misura ed Approssimazione per la Ricostruzione di Immagini".
The topics of the Workshop include Real Analysis, Measure Theory, Approximation Theory, ODE and Dynamical Systems and their applications. The workshop will be online on Teams platform; participation is free.
For more information visit the website:

The meeting is devoted to recent advances in Nonlinear Analysis and Differential Equations and is organized between the G.N.A.M.P.A project "Metodi topologici per problemi al contorno associati a certe classi di equazioni alle derivate parziali".
For more information visit the website

DWCAA21 aims to provide a forum for researchers to present and discuss ideas, theories, and applications of constructive approximation.
The workshop proposes some main invited lectures, several sessions of contributed talks and a poster session.
For more information visit the website:

The conference is held on the occasion of Francesco Altomare's 70th birthday and will take place at the Auditorium of the departments DISAAT and Di.S.S.P.A. of Università degli Studi di Bari Aldo Moro on September 23-24, 2021. In presence as well as remote attending via Microsoft Teams will be arranged, according to the COVID-19 regulations.
For more information visit the website:

ATMA2021 is the fourth Conference organized within the activities of RITA (Rete ITaliana di Approssimazione) and UMI - TAA (Teoria dell'Approssimazione e Applicazioni) workgroup.
It is held in conjunction with the RITA and UMI - TAA Annual Meetings.
The main goal of ATMA2021 is to bring together researchers working in different fields of approximation and to present recent advances from both a theoretical and a numerical perspective.
Topics include but are not limited to: Radial Basis Functions; Subdivision Schemes; Kernel methods; Meshless approximation and applications; Frames; Mathematical signal and image processing; Computer Aided Design; Approximation by sampling-type operators; Inverse problems; Time-frequency transforms; NURBS; Wavelets; Multi-Resolution Methods.
The previous conferences of the series took place in Palermo (2018), Napoli (2019), Perugia (2020).
For more information visit the website:

The purpose of the workshop is to bring together researchers working in different fields of approximation and implementing algorithms using in particular the Matlab software, and other programming languages.
For more information visit the website:

Ore 15:30, Università della Calabria e online. 
Saluti istituzionali: Prof. Francesco Calimeri, Prof. Gennaro Infante, Prof. Stefano De Marchi)
Interventi: prof. Francesco Polizzi, prof.ssa Giuseppina D'Aguì, prof. Yaroslav D. Sergeyev, prof.ssa Yüca Gülsüm Bicer
Link alla locandina dell'evento

"L'avventura dell'infinito", Prof. L. Cadeddu (UniCA) - ore 21:00, College Universitario Sant'Efisio (Cagliari) e online. Link alla locandina dell'evento.

L’Unione Matematica Italiana e il Dipartimento di Matematica “Tullio Levi-Civita” dell’Università di Padova organizzeranno una conferenza internazionale a Padova dal 23 al 27 Maggio 2022. Il programma della conferenza prevede l’intervento di numerosi illustri matematici di fama internazionale, tra cui diversi medagliati Fields, oltre che tavole rotonde e interventi sulla storia di UMI e dell’Università di Padova.
Per l’occasione, ci sarà anche il primo incontro UMI dei dottorandi afferenti alle istituzioni italiane.
Maggiori informazioni si possono trovare al sito dedicato alla conferenza:

Nel mese di giugno, nell'ambito delle attività di Internazionalizzazione dell'Università di Torino (Erasmus+ Incoming Teaching Staff), il Professor Allal Guessab del Laboratory of Mathematics and its Applications of the University of Pau and Adour Region (partner UNITA), France, terrà presso il Dipartimento di Matematica "G. Peano" un corso di 16 ore dal titolo “Sharp approximations based on Delaunay Triangulations and Voronoi Diagrams”.
Le lezioni si svolgeranno in presenza (Aula Lagrange - Dip. Matematica, Univ. Torino), ma potranno essere seguite anche a distanza su webex ( nei seguenti giorni e orari:

1) ven, 17 giugno, ore 9:00-13:00
2) mar, 21 giugno, ore 14:00-18:00
3) gio, 23 giugno, ore 9:00-13:00
4) mar, 28 giugno, ore 9:00-13:00

Ulteriori informazioni sono disponibili al link

The goal of the Conference FAATNA20 is to bring together mathematicians who work in the fields of Functional Analysis, Approximation Theory and Numerical Analysis and to encourage collaboration and exchange of interdisciplinary ideas among the participants.
For more information visit the website:

ATMA2023 is the fifth Conference organized within the activities of RITA (Rete ITaliana di Approssimazione) and UMI-TAA (Teoria dell'Approssimazione e Applicazioni) workgroup, and it is held in conjunction with the RITA and UMI - TAA Annual Meetings.
The purpose of the conference is to group together researchers of various fields of approximation presenting recent advances from both a theoretical and a numerical perspective.
For more information visit the website:

The purpose of the workshop is to bring together researchers working in different fields of approximation and implementing algorithms using in particular the Matlab software, and other programming languages.
Topics include but are not limited to: radial basis functions; subdivision schemes; kernel methods; meshless approximation and applications; frames; mathematical signal and image processing; computer aided design; approximation by sampling-type operators; time-frequency transforms; NURBS; wavelets; multi-resolution methods, polynomial and trigonometric approximation; quadrature and cubature formulas; numerical methods for integral equations; approximation algorithms for biological models; applications to AI and machine learning.
For more information visit the website:

The goal of this workshop is to bring together researchers in Applied Approximation with a focus on mathematical aspects of Signal and Image Processing, including subdivision, frame theory, sparse methods, ...
For more information visit the page

The working group U.M.I. “Teoria dell’ Approssimazione e Applicazioni” - T.A.A. with great pleasure announces the "International Conference on Approximation Theory and Applications", that will be held on 18-22 June 2023, at Grand Hotel San Michele (Cetraro, CS, Italy).
The purpose of the conference is to present the advancement of the research activities within the working group U.M.I. T.A.A., together with the most recent developments about approximation theory and its applications.
For more information visit the page

The goal of the Conference is to create a multidisciplinary round table for an open discussion on numerical modeling nature by using traditional and emerging computational paradigms. The Conference (including also special streams and sessions) will discuss all aspects of numerical computations and modeling from foundations and philosophy to advanced numerical techniques. New technological challenges and fundamental ideas from theoretical computer science, linguistic, logic, set theory, and philosophy will meet requirements and new fresh applications from physics, chemistry, biology, and economy.
For more information visit the page

The 2023 edition of the bi-annual congress of the Italian Society of Applied and Industrial Mathematics (SIMAI) will be held in Matera, hosted by the University of Basilicata, at the Campus in Via Lanera 20, Matera, from August 28th to September 1st, 2023.
The aim of the conference is to bring together researchers and professionals from academia and industry who are active in the study of mathematical and numerical models as well as their application to industrial and in general real life problems; to stimulate interdisciplinary research in applied mathematics and to foster interactions of the scientific community with industry.
For any further information visit the page

I lavori del XXII Congresso dell’Unione Matematica Italiana si svolgeranno da lunedì 4 a sabato 9 settembre 2023 presso l’Università di Pisa e la Scuola Normale Superiore.
Il Congresso sarà aperto a tutti i matematici e in modo particolare ai giovani studiosi di matematica non strutturati, come assegnisti, borsisti, dottorandi e neolaureati. L’organizzazione è impegnata a favorire la loro partecipazione ed il loro intervento.
Sono previste conferenze generali, conferenze su invito, brevi comunicazioni in sezioni parallele della durata (di norma) di 20 minuti. Gli oratori delle conferenze generali saranno scelti dal Comitato Scientifico del Congresso.
In occasione della seduta inaugurale saranno consegnati numerosi premi gestiti dall’U.M.I.
Ulteriori informazioni sono disponibili al link

DRWA² aims to provide a meeting point and a forum for researchers in approximation theory and its applications, with the structure of open lectures and invited working groups.
For more information visit the page

The main event goal is to attract young researchers and both contributed talks and hackathon working groups or round tables are planned.
For more details visit the web page

The purpose of this international conference is to group together researchers of various fields of approximation presenting recent advances from both a theoretical and a numerical perspective.
For more details visit the web page

From July 23 to July 26, 2024, Università degli Studi di Palermo will host the 2nd International Joint Meeting co-organized by the Unione Matematica Italiana (UMI) and the American Mathematical Society (AMS).
For more details visit the web page